You Might Be a Homesteader If… (No Need to Say It)
Think you might be a homesteader? From chickens in your phone gallery to veggies in your pockets, these relatable signs will make you laugh!
Ever wonder if you’ve crossed the line from backyard gardening enthusiast to full-blown homesteader? If you’ve found yourself in any of these situations, the answer is probably yes! Inspired by Jeff Foxworthy’s famous “You Might Be a Redneck If…” routine, here’s a humorous take on the signs that you might just be living that homesteading life.
In my oldest son’s best Jeff Foxworthy voice…
- If your phone has more pictures of your livestock than your kids (and they’re jealous), you might be a homesteader.
- If you have indoor plumbing but make the men in your house pee outside in the compost, you might be a homesteader.
- If the chicken you’re eating for dinner had a name, you might be a homesteader.
- If you own a state-of-the-art dryer but insist on line-drying your clothes outside, you might be a homesteader.
You might be a homesteader if…
But don’t just take it from me! I asked my Twitter friends, “How do YOU know you’re a homesteader?” Here’s what they had to say:
- If watching chickens is preferable to watching television. @104homestead
- If you collect chickens and ducks like other collect knick-knacks. @homesteadhippy
- If you upcycle and reuse everything until you are confident it’s been used to the max. @104homestead
- If you are in the produce section of the grocery store and you think, would my geese like this? @thefreckledrose
- If you think I can’t finish all of this, will my chickens or sheep eat it? @MonicaGeglio
- If baking bread with your favorite duck is considered completely normal. @104homestead
- If you’re constantly apologizing for the bits of hay and straw in your family car. @MomPrepares
- If you have to walk outside to get your breakfast. @104homestead
- If your muck boots are your favorite shoes @notourgoats
- If you have globs of unidentifiable schmutz stuck under, around and on your shoes at all times. @ChickenGateway
- If your friends know that they’ll need to greet the dogs, then the goats, before they can get near your house. @TheUsualMayhem
- If your french tip manicure is actually just dirt under your nails. And you rock it. @TumbleweedApoth
- If you forgot your sheep are still out in the yard and you have to pick them up and run them to the barn during a lightening storm. @MonicaGeglio
- If you are a master barterer. Chicken eggs in winter are like gold in the trading world. @104homestead
- If you love making a ‘weed salad’ to eat with lunch, of edible plants. @northwe1246207
- If your 8 year old’s favorite game is figuring out where the hens are hiding their eggs this week. @TheUsualMayhem
- If you see things in a store and immediately begin figuring out how you can DIY it. @104homestead
- If you pull your jeans out of the laundry and find random vegetables in the pockets. @DeborahNeyens
- If you frequently find eggs in your pockets while you’re out and about. @ImaginAcres
- If you head to the backyard instead of the grocery store when you run out of eggs or milk. @104homestead
Pin this fun list and share a laugh with your fellow homesteaders!
Homesteading is more than just a lifestyle—it’s a collection of quirky habits, muddy boots, and a deep love for self-sufficiency. Whether it’s feeding your chickens table scraps or hanging laundry on the line despite owning a dryer, these little signs show how connected you are to the land. Every homesteader’s journey is unique, filled with both challenges and laughter.
Now it’s your turn! What’s something you do that makes you think, “Yep, I’m definitely a homesteader”? Share your funniest or most relatable homesteading moments in the comments below!