Homemade Tortillas and Other Foods to Make from Scratch
Stop buying the foods what you can make from scratch for less. Here are some recipes to get you started and cut your reliance on stores.

Last night was one of those nights where I was craving something specific for dinner. I had my heart set on quesadillas. Unfortunately I was out of tortillas. I was about to throw on some shoes and load the boys up in the car (no easy task) and drive to the store, but then it occurred to me: How hard can these really be to make? Why am I wasting the gas and time to buy this $4.99 product for something I can probably whip together quickly for about 50¢. Mine will certainly be a healthier option.
So all this got me thinking (while I made my tortillas that were super easy to make), what are other things that I buy that I really should be making myself? Are there some great recipe hacks I should be using? Here are a few recipe hacks my fabulous blogging friends shared with me that I plan to start making myself. They are all relatively quick and easy to make.
Ready-Meal Hacks
Perfect Pancake Mix that isn’t full of unknown ingredients. Recipe from MOMables.
Muffin Mix – with 60 variations to choose from. Recipes from Budget 101.
Flaky Canned Tuna that is home-canned and oil-packed. Recipe from Saveur.
Healthy Lunchables that are homemade, but look store bought. Recipe from 100 Days of Real Food.
Hamburger Helper for just 75¢ a “box.” Recipe from Little House Living.
Mouth-Watering Meatballs that are nothing fancy. Totally old-school. Recipe from The Kitchn.
French Fries that are tasty and easy to make. Recipe from The Black Viper.
Stir Fry Sauces – 40 to choose from! Recipes from Food & Family.
Dessert Hacks
Delectable Ice Cream. Make it homemade “like a boss.” Recipe from Homestead Lady.
Chia Chocolate Pudding for healthy, yummy treat. Recipe from Little *BIG* Harvest.
Patriotic Popcicles of red, white, and blueberry. Recipe from The View From Great Island.
Yummy Marshmallows for cocoa or peeps. Recipe from Homestead Lady.
Brilliant Brownies that can mixed up ahead of time so you just need to add liquids. Recipe from Kitchen Explorers.
Junk-Free (but still yummy) Rice Crispy Treats are free from gluten, sugar and dairy. Recipe from Spring Mountain Living.
Snack Hacks
A Healthy Fruit Roll-up Alternative with just fruit and water. Recipe from Homestead Lady.
Crisp Apple Chips for a quick, easy snack. Recipe from Homestead Lady.
Apple Leather from scratch with three flavor variations. Recipe from yours truly.
Perfect Popcorn from a dried ear of popcorn. Recipe from Homestead Lady.
Beverage Hacks
Ruby Red Juice with carrots for sweetness. Recipe from The Little Red House.
REAL Fruit Juice made with a steam juicer. Recipe from Homestead Lady.
Homemade Kombucha that will have you rejoicing in the art of naturally fermented probiotic drinks. Recipe from The Roasted Root.
Other Great Hacks
Perfect Pesto in 5 minutes or less. Recipe from The Food Network Kitchen.
Doubly Hot Horseradish Mustard that is considerably cheaper than store-bought. Recipe from Better Hens & Gardens.
Simple Spaghetti Sauce that can be made in a moment’s notice or simmered all day. Recipe from WikiHow.
Better Than Store-Bought Mayo that can be mixed up in minutes. Recipe from Homestead Lady.
Hot Pepper Relish makes for a quick appetizer. Recipe from Better Hens & Gardens.
Sun Dried Tomatoes aren’t as complex as they look (and they don’t actually require sun). Recipe from Homestead Lady.
Homemade Vanilla Extract that is 100 times better than the stuff you buy at the store. Recipe from Better Hens & Gardens.
Make-Your-Own Tortillas Recipe
Last, but not least, the ridiculously easy tortilla recipe for your dining pleasure.

- 2 c. All-Purpose Flour
- 1/2 tsp. Salt
- 3/4 c. Water
- 3 tbsp. Olive Oil (I used dandelion infused oil and it rocked)
- Combine flour and salt then mix in water and olive oil. Once it’s combined, plop it on the counter and knead until it’s smooth.
- Let the ball of dough rest for about 10 minutes (or however long it takes to prep the quesadilla fixings).
- Divide dough into 8 equal-ish parts and then roll into something resembling a circle (I still lack the skill for that, so ours were more abstract shapes).
- Spray skillet or griddle with non-stick spray or this better alternative and cook tortilla for about 1 minute on each side until brown.
And you’re done!
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