What Is My Quail Doing? Quail Behavior That Might Freak You Out
Discover strange and unique quail behavior, from looking dead when they sleep to walking backward to poop. Learn about these odd birds.

Keeping quail is an experience that I believe every homesteader should enjoy. If it’s not for all these reasons, or even these delicious quail egg recipes, it’s because they are so darn funny.
I did a lot of research before I got Coturnix quail. I knew how many females I needed for each male. I knew how to incubate them and brood them. I had the right setup prepared and the right foods on hand. I thought I was ready. That was before they arrived.
Many things the quail do will scare the bejeezus out of you when they first do it. That’s why I felt it was my duty to give you a heads-up with these funny facts about quail.
Quail Look Dead When They Sleep
It starts from the day they hatch. They splat like a puppy, usually on their bellies, but sometimes on their sides or back. The first time I looked in the brooder and saw it, I thought the heat lamp had cooked them all. When I opened the lid to check them, they all popped up like little popcorn kernels. Even as adults, they continue to do this.
Though their comatose-like state is amusing, it’s also a necessary survival mechanism. Their habitat offers few hiding spaces, so they adapt to their environment by blending in. When they curl up in a tight ball and go completely still, they look like a small stone or some other type of desert rock. They often press their eyes, feet, and feathers to the ground, reducing the chances of predators spotting them. Playing dead keeps them safe from the many predators that lurk in the wild.
Quail Cry When You Leave
Never have you heard such a woeful sound. After visiting the brooder or giving out treats to the grownups, they will cry upon your departure. It’s a sad mewing sort of sound. Often it starts with one, but others will join in. Before you know it, there is a whole flock of crying quail.
The sound of the quail’s cries compels you to stay. No matter the reason for your departure, the quail’s haunting call will stay with you until you return again.
Quail Walk Backward to Poop
One evening while collecting the final eggs for the day, I discovered one of my quail walking backward all over the run. I figured he sustained some head trauma or was under attack from some weird virus. After frantically searching online, I discovered he was just constipated. The quick backward shuffle you see occasionally is the quail eliminating.
While a bit strange, constipation is quite common in quail and is a reality you must face. Luckily, there are ways to prevent the condition, and with a few simple dietary and environmental changes, quail can find relief. The key is to ensure the quail has a balanced diet that includes plenty of fiber-rich greens and a clean coop with clean bedding. Additionally, providing some grit or mineral blocks is known to help. With these simple tips, your quail can be their happy, backward-pooping selves again.
Quail Are Acrobats
My children’s favorite activity is feeding the quail goodies from the garden. They hold them to the top of the run, and the quail will hop up to get the treat. They will also scale up and down their log at an astounding pace.
Sometimes when you look closely, the quail will be up on their log doing a little dance, bobbing up and down and side to side. It’s almost like they know how to appreciate the little things in life, such as some fresh greens from the garden.
Eggs Pop Right Out of Them
Chickens have an egg-laying process. They find the perfect nest, arrange it to suit their preferences, and sit there anywhere from 20 minutes to more than an hour. The ducks have a routine as well. They find the perfect place you will never look, create a small hole, and sit for about 15 minutes before burying it (again, to keep you always wondering where the eggs are).
Quail pop out eggs as they walk along. My quail’s favorite location is in the dusting bowl while they dust themselves. They don’t even try. They sit there flinging dirt all over the place, and when they get up – plop – there’s an egg—no need to build a nest box for these guys.
The Roosters Surprise Themselves
When young male birds first crow, they almost seem surprised by this newly acquired ability. With quail, this surprise never goes away. My males, who have been crowing for over a year, are still taken aback every time they do it. I’m unsure how to describe what a surprised quail looks like but trust me, you’ll know it when you see it. Whenever one of the males crows, I instantly think of Steve Urkel. Did I do that?
The surprise response of the quail is an incredibly cute and endearing sight to behold. In addition, it provides an interesting insight into quail behavior. It makes me wonder if birds feel pride or accomplishment when they master a new feat or are just as confused as we are. Regardless of the answer, it’s certainly a fascinating interaction to watch.
Some Additional Fun Quail Facts
Here are some other fun facts about quail behavior.
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Quail are coo-coo-cute, and quail behavior can leave you torn between amusement and surprise. Whether playing dead to stay safe or crowing in surprise at their newfound abilities, their behavior is as intriguing as funny. With the right care and set-up, quail can provide you with years of amusement.
As for me, I’m thankful that I took the plunge and got quail. They are the most entertaining animals I have had in the homestead, and I’m sure quail keepers everywhere agree. Let’s leave it to everyone to find out for themselves what their quail are doing.
Hopefully, this eases your mind when you go to the coop and see your quail acting oddly. They are just weird little birds.
Looking for even more tips on raising Coturnix quail? Check out my dedicated site, Forget-Me-Not Quail Farm, for feeding guides, housing tips, and everything you need to keep your covey thriving. And for a quick-start guide to avoiding common quail-keeping mistakes, grab a copy of my book 5 Mistakes New Quail Owners Make. It’s packed with practical advice to help you raise happy, healthy quail!