Why You Should Consider Rabbits as Your Next Pet
Create a safe environment, bond with your bunny, and keep them healthy and happy. Find out why rabbits make great pets.

Are you considering getting a rabbit or two? Rabbits can be fun and affectionate pets. I like to think of them as a funny mash-up between cats and dogs. They are friendly and trainable like dogs, but they are also sometimes aloof and will give you an attitude like a cat. In the end, though, they act like rabbits and can be very sweet, affectionate, entertaining, and fun.
If you are looking for a friend to play with or someone to calm down with, rabbits will bring a special kind of magic into your home and guarantee endless moments of happiness and surprise.
Deciding Between Indoor and Outdoor Living
If you want a really sweet pet rabbit, don’t keep it outside in a hutch. It will not bond to you, it will not like being carried in and out, and it will not be safe for it to hop around in your backyard unless you do some serious bunny-proofing.
If you want your rabbit to be able to hop around outdoors, you will need to bury some ¼ inch hardware cloth under the pen and have it extend up into your fence line because rabbits will dig, and they will leave your yard. You will also need to cover the top to prevent predators such as cats, dogs, and hawks from having a snack.
Plus, you don’t want to leave your pet outside all alone, because he or she will be sad.
Pros of Keeping Your Pet Rabbit Indoors:
- Enhanced Safety: Indoor rabbits are protected from outdoor predators, extreme weather conditions, and diseases that are more common outside.
- Better Relationship: Rabbits and their owners can interact with each other more when they are inside, which leads to a stronger relationship.
- Better Health Monitoring: When rabbits live inside, you can closely watch what they eat, how they behave, and how much waste they make. This makes it easier to spot and treat any health problems early.
- Longer Lifespan: Indoor rabbits typically live longer due to better care, diet, and protection from external threats.
- Socialization: Indoor rabbits get more opportunities to socialize with humans and other household pets, which can make them more friendly and less skittish.
Cons of Keeping Your Pet Rabbit Indoors:
- Space Requirements: Rabbits need plenty of space to roam, and creating enough indoor space can be challenging.
- Bunny-Proofing: Homes need to be bunny-proofed to protect both the rabbit and the property, which can take a lot of work and attention.
- Chewing Hazards: Rabbits have a natural instinct to chew, potentially damaging furniture, cords, and household items unless adequately protected.
- Allergies: Rabbit fur and dander can trigger allergies in some people, making indoor cohabitation difficult.
Pros of Keeping Your Pet Rabbit Outdoors:
- More Natural Environment: Outdoor settings can provide a more natural habitat for rabbits, allowing them to graze, dig, and explore in a way that mimics their natural behaviors.
- Less Space Restriction: Outdoors, rabbits can potentially have more space to roam, which is beneficial for their physical health and well-being.
- Easier to Manage Mess: Keeping rabbits outside can make it easier to manage their bedding, waste, and the general mess they create, as it’s not inside your living space.
Cons of Keeping Your Pet Rabbit Outdoors:
- Vulnerability to Predators: Rabbits kept outside are at a higher risk of predators, even in urban areas where you might find cats, dogs, and birds of prey.
- Exposure to Harsh Weather: Outdoor rabbits are exposed to the elements, which can be harmful or even fatal during extreme heat, cold, or severe weather conditions.
- Less Human Interaction: Rabbits kept outside tend to have less interaction with their owners, which can lead to a more distant relationship and can affect the rabbit’s sociability.
- Security risks: Making sure an outdoor enclosure is safe so rabbits can not get out and predators can not get in can be hard and expensive.
- Risk of Loneliness: Without the frequent interaction provided by indoor living, outdoor rabbits may become lonely, especially if kept as a single pet.
Creating a Comfortable Indoor Habitat
The best place for a pet rabbit is indoors. Rabbits can be very territorial and want to have their own den. You can use a cage for this, but they aren’t the best choice. Wire cages are rough on rabbit feet, and most aren’t big enough. If you do keep your rabbit in a cage, it needs to be tall enough that it can stand up on its hind legs and not have its ears touch the top. It should have two levels to provide an opportunity to jump up and down. The minimum size for one rabbit should be six square feet, but a better rule of thumb would be five times the size of the rabbit. If you have an eight-pound bunny, it should have access to at least 40 square feet of space.
I’m a big fan of using Neat Idea Cubes for modular rabbit housing. Using zip ties, you can put them together in lots of shapes and sizes to fit your home and your housing needs. This gives your rabbit a bigger area that is safer than what you can provide with just a cage.
The Essentials of Bunny-Proofing Your Home
Bunny proofing is an absolute necessity for pet rabbits. Even if you provide toys, they will chew, and that will damage them or your house. Books, electrical cords, papers, and houseplants should be moved out of the rabbit’s reach or placed behind furniture that your rabbit will not be able to fit. You can hide some cords in clear plastic tubing from the hardware store by cutting a slit in one side and then sliding the cord inside. You still need to supervise, though, because with enough time, your rabbit can still chew through it.
Cardboard boxes placed under furniture can discourage your rabbit from crawling underneath couches or beds and taking up residence in their new “den.” Even if your house is rabbit-proofed you will still need to supervise when it is out and about. As for chewing on molding and furniture, the best deterrent is supervision and a spray bottle of water in addition to blocking walls, edging, and door jams with pieces of wood or hard plastic sheeting.
Nurturing a Strong Bond with Your Rabbit
Rabbits can be very affectionate and will love to snuggle with you, especially if you come with their favorite snack. Rabbits groom each other, and you should definitely groom yours. He or she will need brushing and nail trimming, and he or she will probably start licking you to groom you in return.
Getting a Friend for Your Bunny
If you aren’t going to have a lot of time to spend playing or petting your rabbit, you may want to consider getting two. Make sure to provide lots of space and a couple of feeding areas because rabbits are territorial, and one of them will be the head honcho and push the other one around. You want to make sure they both get a chance to eat their fill. If you have two, you should definitely get them spayed or neutered, or you risk suddenly multiplying your rabbit numbers!
Two unneutered males will fight, and females will also get along better together when spayed.
Dietary Needs for Healthy Rabbits
Feeding a pet rabbit is pretty straightforward. They will need a ready supply of grass hay and pellets, plus a salt and mineral spool. The tricky part of keeping pet rabbits is not overdoing it on the treats. Rabbits have a very delicate digestive system, and large changes of any sort can cause problems. Even something as seemingly safe as feeding a large amount of watermelon can lead to ketosis and death.
Learn how to keep your bunny happy and healthy by reading our complete guide on what to feed rabbits. It includes information on the right types of hay, balanced meals, and safe treats. This is the best information you can find for taking care of your furry friend.
Enrichment Activities for Your Rabbit
Pet rabbits will also need some entertainment. They like to chew and will need safe wood to chew on. They like to rip and shred, so a cardboard box can be great fun. Bird toys, such as balls with bells inside, or sturdy ropes for small dogs, are all fun for a rabbit to fling around.
Rabbits like to set up their area just so and can get very grouchy and possessive if you mess up their hard work by constantly putting all their toys away. This is another reason to give your rabbit their own space in addition to letting them hang out around the house.
My Rabbit, Mr. Bojangles’ Favorite Toys
These are the toys that my rabbit signs off on being the absolute best.
- The Timothy Roll ‘n’ Toss is a clever way to combine fun and treat time. It gives your rabbit a healthy snack while giving them something fun to do. We keep it in his pen for when he’s closed in for the night.
- Foraging Mats are fantastic enrichment tools that encourage natural digging behaviors. Don’t spend a lot on one because they do wear out quickly.
- Tumbler Balls are a favorite in this house. We had to duct tape the treat size controller into place because Bo figured out how to move it so all the treats fell out. Other than that, it’s a win.
- Stacking Cups have to be Bo’s absolute favorite thing. We put treats in the cups and stack them back together, and he takes joy in pulling them apart, tossing them aside, and nibbling on the treats that fall out.
Litter Box Training Your Rabbit
Rabbits can be litter box trained! They tend to pick one or two areas where they like to do their business, so placing a cat litter box full of hay, straw, or paper bedding in that area will keep down the mess. Rabbits also poop while they eat, so placing a box under their hay rack will also encourage them to use the litter box. They mark their territory with their pellets, so you may still find a few here and there, but the wet messes will be contained.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Rabbits can be rewarding pets if you set up their home environment well and give them enough space and things to do. If your rabbit is happy, then you’ll know it because they will binky, which is like a happy dance where they jump up and twist their head and body in different directions. Happy pets are the best!
What unique quirks or habits do your rabbits have that make them a special part of your family? Share your stories and tips for fellow rabbit enthusiasts in the comments below.