Upcycle Pill Bottles with These 22 Fun & Creative Ideas

Upcycling pill bottles for craft projects is a great way to recycle and reuse them. Find inspiration to get those creative juices flowing.

A compilation of upcycled pill bottle projects.

I try very hard to use herbal remedies in our home, but plastic pill bottles of medications still squeak in from time to time.  I HATE tossing things, and I consider myself rather skilled at discovering new uses for old things.  There is a chance I’ve morphed into an upcycling addict.  Oh well, there are worse things.

So with a huge stash of pill bottles needing a new purpose, I hopped on Pinterest to get some ideas. If you’re not following me on Pinterest, you really should.

Gather your imagination and repurpose these containers into functional organizers, charming decor pieces, or even personalized gifts. With a dash of ingenuity, we can breathe new life into these overlooked items, crafting not only beautiful creations but also contributing to a sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, get our craft on, and turn those pill bottles into something truly amazing!

#1 Fire Starters

You can create fire starters with them.  They label this as a fun project to do with your kids. I’m not sure I’d get my kids involved (we have some “rambunctious spirits”), but maybe this would be a fun bonding experience for parents of responsible kids.

A picture of pill bottle firestarters.

#2 Hide-A-Key

You can easily make a hide-a-key for your spare key with some hot glue on the lid. I saw a similar one that used a pine cone. I’m not sure how long it would hold up, but given how cheap and easy it is, does it really matter if you need to keep replacing it?

A pill bottle hide-a-key.

#3 Travel Bottles

You can use pill bottles to store shampoo, conditioner, and lotion when traveling.  I believe that these are the proper size for airline security to approve. Obviously, you’ll want to investigate before you get to the airport.

A pill bottle filled with lotion.

#4 Portable Sewing Kits

You can make a travel sewing kit that holds a needle and thread with an attached pin cushion. This is a great thing to keep in the car or purse in case you’re out in the world and discover you’ve lost a crucial button or something.

A pill bottle covered in rose fabric and ribbon with a pin cushion on top.

#5 Survival Kit

You can make your own pill bottle survival kit. My boyfriend is an outdoor enthusiast who has made about twenty of these and has them everywhere he spends his time. I won’t lie; they’ve come in handy a time or two, and I’m glad to have one in my hiking backpack.

#6 Crafting Storage

You can store small craft and hobby items, such as cake piping tips, small beads, and needles. I have several stashed around the house with safety pins and paper clips, and I used pill bottles to keep the gems from my diamond painting kits.

Painted pill bottles covered with stickers and the numbers 0-3 on top.

#7 Halloween Decor

You can make cute Halloween potion bottles out of over-the-counter pill bottles. I really like these. I made some last year to put on the mantle, and I got a lot of compliments. They took my gourd “autumn” decor to a new spooky level.

Medicine bottles decorated with paint and hot glue to look like a series of potion bottles.

#8 Snowman Ornament

Maybe Halloween isn’t your thing and you’d prefer a winter snowman made from medicine bottles? My youngest made an entire community of pill-bottle snowmen a few years ago. They didn’t really “go” with my vintage Christmas village, but how could I deprive him?

A little snowman with a green scarf made from a pill bottle.

#9 Rainbow Crayons

You can make fun rainbow crayons using standard-sized prescription pill bottles as molds. You get two “upcycle points” if you are upcycling broken crayons (another thing I refuse to throw away).

Crayon wax melted in pill bottles in a variety of colors.

#10 Unique Vase

You can make a faux bamboo vase. When the bottles are nested into each other it creates a vacuum seal, so they are watertight without glue. Some cool science for you.

Pill bottles nested to look like bamboo with a bamboo cutting inside.

#11 Nail Polish Remover

You can make one of those nail polish remover tubs in minutes with some acetone and cotton balls. These are much less messy to use than acetone right out of the bottle on your nails. I feel like there’s less waste this way as well.

Pouring nail polish remover into a pill bottle filled with cotton balls.

#12 Ammo Storage

You can store ammo in them. Dry ammo is happy ammo. My super thrifty boyfriend keeps the ammo organized in empty prescription bottles and then he stores those in an old Christmas tin. If you open the gun cabinet, it looks like we’re hoarding those yummy danish cookies. Alas, we are not.

A painted and unpainted pill bottle holding ammo.

#13 Yarn Baller

Okay, knitters and crocheters will love this one. Make your yarn balls center-pull using old prescription bottles. No more chasing balls of yarn everywhere. My very sweet friend, Janet of Timber Creek Farm, gifted me an official yarn ball winder, but I used this trick for the years prior.

A multicolored ball of yarn wrapped around a white medicine bottle.

#14 Ink Dauber

You can make your own ink daubers with empty prescription pill bottles. I’m not sure what one would do with an ink dauber – BINGO maybe? – but it looked like a cute idea. Okay, upon further research I discovered they use daubers for scrapbooking as well.

#15 Coin Storage

If you’re having trouble finding a place to store all your quarters (I’ve never had that problem… my children always seem to be pilfering my coins), you can use a pill bottle as a coin holder. It would be handy to have them in the glove box of your car in case you need to swing by the car wash for a quick clean or vacuum.

Painted red and blue pill bottles with disney stickers.

#16 Party Lights

You can make some cool amber-colored party lights. I’m not sure what occasion these would be appropriate for. Maybe for a doctor’s graduation party? I’m sure you could add elements to make them more appropriate for other occasions.

A string of lights hung on a mirror with pill bottles secured over the bulbs.

#17 First Aid Kit

You can create a travel first aid kit.  We use these all the time! Again, I have rambunctious children (okay, ONE rambunctious child, but I’m not naming names… smallest dude). Often the smallest dude has used up all the bandaids in the bathroom closet, so my mini first-aid kit is my salvation.

A pill bottle with tweezers, bandaids, and ointment spread around it.

#18 Tooth Storage

You can help out the Tooth Fairy by giving her something a bit bigger than a tooth to look for in the mess of bed sheets. You have no idea how many panicked nights “she” has experienced trying to locate a teeny tiny tooth lost between stuffed animal friends.

A pill bottle painted purple and blue with a purple ribbon and a tooth sticker on the front.

#19 Hair Supply Container

You can store tiny hair doodads in them. I am not a girl who puts a lot of effort into hairdos, but I seem to be always searching for the bobby pins I bought 15 years ago because they are little and get lost. I refuse to purchase more because I’ll only use them once a year. Hair elastics (including those tiny clear ones) can be wrapped around the outside of the bottles.

A pill bottle filled with bobby pins and a purple hair clip.

#20 Q-Tip Holder

You can lock up your cotton swabs so your children don’t attempt to clean each other’s ears – yes, it’s happened. 

Two views of a pill bottle filled with cotton swabs.

#21 Seed Storage

If my DIY Printable Seed Packets weren’t for you, you could store seeds in them. The childproof cap means you won’t have an incident that requires you to spend hours organizing your seeds after collecting them off the floor.

A bunch of pill bottles on their sides with the names of seeds written on their lids.

#22 Battery Organizer

Last, but not least, you can use pill bottles to organize batteries. Because most old prescription bottles are watertight, the batteries won’t likely become corroded.

Pill bottles filled with batteries fastened to a piece of wood by their lids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Soaking the pill bottles in warm, soapy water often helps loosen the labels. For stubborn residue, rubbing alcohol or oil (like olive oil) can be effective. Gently scrub with a sponge or cloth to remove any remaining adhesive.

Disposing of expired medications responsibly is crucial to prevent environmental contamination and ensure public safety. Here are some guidelines:

  • Take-Back Programs: Many pharmacies and local law enforcement agencies organize medication take-back programs. Check with your local pharmacy or police station to inquire about upcoming events or permanent collection sites.
  • Pharmacy Drop-Off: Some pharmacies have dedicated drop-off bins for safe medication disposal. Ask your pharmacist if they provide this service.
  • Community Disposal Programs: Check with your local health department or community organizations for information on disposal programs. Some communities host periodic events for safe medication disposal.
  • DO NOT Flush Medications: Avoid flushing medications down the toilet or throwing them in the trash, as these methods can contribute to water pollution.
  • Remove Personal Information: Before disposal, remove any personal information from medication packaging to protect your privacy.
  • Mix with Undesirable Substances: To discourage accidental or intentional misuse, mix the expired medication with an undesirable substance like coffee grounds or cat litter before disposing of it in the trash.
  • Follow FDA Guidelines: The FDA provides guidelines for disposing of specific medications, especially those with a high potential for abuse. Follow any specific instructions on the medication guide or packaging.

Always check with your local regulations, as disposal methods may vary by location. If you are unsure, consult your pharmacist or healthcare provider for guidance on the most appropriate disposal method for your specific medications.

Yes, many organizations accept donations of empty pill bottles for various purposes. One notable option is the organization Matthew 25: Ministries. They have a program that collects clean, empty pill bottles and repurposes them to distribute medicine to those in need. Another option is reaching out to local animal shelters, as they often use empty pill bottles for dispensing medication for pets. Additionally, some pharmacies or medical supply stores may have specific programs for recycling or repurposing empty pill bottles, so it’s worth inquiring with them directly. Always ensure that the bottles are thoroughly cleaned before donating.

And remember, health doesn’t come from plastic bottles, but if it does, make something cute with the bottle afterward!

Also, be sure to check out 12+ Fun Ways to Upcycle Holiday Cards After the SeasonMason Jar Crafts You’ll Love to DIY, and 12 Uses for an Old Milk Jug.

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A collage image of upcycle pill bottle craft ideas for pinning.

Repurposing old pill bottles opens a world of possibilities for both practical organization and creative DIY projects. From clever storage solutions to crafting unique items for everyday use, these innovative ideas breathe new life into what would otherwise be discarded. Embracing the art of upcycling not only contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle but also showcases the potential for creativity and resourcefulness in transforming the mundane into something truly extraordinary.

What great uses have you come up with for old pill bottles? Share in the comments below.

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  1. Carol Kauffman says:

    I put 2 weeks worth of OTC pills and herbal pills in mine. This way I am not opening each bottle everyday, I keep one in my sewing room for my spent sewing machine needles. Since I also work in a sewing factory, I have one at work for my spent needles. Nothing lilke just throwing a needle in the trash and then needing to fish something out and getting stuck. Now there is no fear of getting stuck with a needle or pin. Any bent or broken pins also end up in the bottle.

  2. Rosario Rodriguez Brusniak says:

    I saw quite a lot of postings, but I use my pill bottle to store a roll or even three of United States postage stamps as they keep the stamps dry and protected.
    I also have different sizes of bottles and I sort my rubber bands into different bottles to help me get the right size of rubber bands to use when needing rubber bands to keep things together.
    I also use my pill bottle to keep sugar substitute packets in my car (glove compartment or tray) when I go to the derive throughs and order an unsweetened tea and use my own packet. I find their sweet tea is TOO sweet. This way I control what I drink.

  3. Susan Marling says:

    I use old pill bottles to store my ear buds, charger and any accessories to my cell phone in them.

  4. Read through all the comments and there were tons of great info and tips. Here’s one that might help any watercolor artists on the go, for their “plein air” kit (that’s just a fancy way of saying painting outdoors, or away from studio): I have a fairly big one (a silver dollar would fit in the bottom) that I keep in my kit to put a little water in to rinse my brush with. It’s just enough for a short session, is easily filled and dumped in a restroom sink without making a big production of it, and easily capped if interrupted. I turn the cap “upside down” because it’s less likely to leak out if tipped over. I definitely use them for toothpicks (craft table and kitchen), and lighters (I don’t smoke but have them in my bug out bag) it keeps the tab from being pressed and releasing fuel. Great article!

    1. cindy brock says:

      Well it has been a few years since you have posted this and a lot has gone on in this wonderful world. 🙂 Not all so wonderful.So i thought i might add a comment letting you know what i do with my Rx bottles. I have a large bottle of sanitizer and use my bottles to keep filled with sanitizer. It fits great in pockets,backpacks,purses, your car and other convenient places.

    2. I worked in a county jail. We would use donated pill bottles for jewelry taken off the person’s being arrested and/or incarcerated. It was a way of not losing small pieces of jewelry. Just donate them to your nearest county jail. They would be happy to receive them.

    3. How do you get the Rx stickers off? They are so difficult to take off!!!

      1. Anonymous says:

        There is a product called “Goo Gone”. There are many other brands of adhesive remover too. Available pretty much every where.

        1. Anonymous says:

          I boil water and fill the bottle with 1/2 room temp water then add hot water. The labels peel off easily after a few minutes.

        2. Vegetable oil works just as well

      2. It helps to fill the container with boiling water and let sit a minute, poor water out and immediately peel label. The heat helps “melt” the adhesive and the label will peel off easier. Then use rubbing alcohol and/or Goo Gone to remove any remaining adhesive residue.

      3. Heat the sticker up with a lighter. The glue melts and then the sticker peels off easily.

      4. Anonymous says:

        Just quickly heat the label with a hair dryer. Label comes right off and usually with no residue.

      5. Anonymous says:

        Use a heated blow dryer to warm them up. Then mine come right off…

    4. Mary Ann Espinosa says:

      I use mine for fish hooks sinkers

  5. Clean the pill bottles well, so there is no residual meds. We fill them with spices to take along camping. They save space in the camper.

  6. Loved all these ideas for recycling pill bottles. So many ways they can be used…and saves them from going in landfill.

    1. #3 could be questionable as I dont think the bottles are sealed well enough to be leak-proof. I’ll have to try that!

      1. It works. I just did this myself yesterday before even seeing this idea! I did place them in a small plastic snack baggie for security but it wasn’t necessary.

      2. They actually work great for shampoo.

      3. Charlie Fay Rivera says:

        I’m trying it this week.

  7. The crayons really don’t make a good burning candle, it will snuff out quickly. I add 1 part candle to 3 parts soy wax. It makes a crayon colored candle AND burns good.

    1. That sounds awesome!!! Thanks!

  8. i find an old pill bottle is excellent for storing spare change in my purse. i carry the smallest bottle i had, which is just big enough to put a quarter flat inside. i don’t even bother to use the child proof cap, but the regular one, but i do have a pocket the bottle sits it. might be different if it was floating around in the bottom of a bag. what makes it especially convenient is i can see thru the sides whether or not i have the right amount of change. i don’t have to dig thru it or pour it out first.

    1. I donate to my local Vet. He uses them for Pet Meds. This saves him (small office) money.

      1. I do the same. It is appreciated by our small town veterinarians.

    2. I discovered a long time ago that, not only did quarters fit flat, but I could just fit a full $10 roll of quarters in that (particular prescription’s) pill bottle.

      1. Anonymous says:

        Actually it can hold $15 worth of quarters

        1. How odd that you would disagree about the amount of quarters she can store in her bottle – your bottle could very well be taller.

        2. Anonymous says:

          Wow. Inflation is out of control!

    3. Beth Fisher says:

      Wow! Excellent idea. I may have to borrow this one. LOL

  9. Margie Higginbotham says:

    I have used pill bottles for gifts, especially fragile things. I wrap the item with cotton or tissue paper and put in bottle. Then wrap the bottle.

  10. I use mine to store seeds for next years garden

    1. OMG I will definitely try this

  11. Hi from the uk! I use one to store my bent or broken pins in and one to store old rotary cutting discs in till they’re full and mark them for the dustmen to know what’s in them. Ann

    1. Nikki Krakauer says:

      I’ve been using them for all sharps, however, I use duct tape thoroughly around several times, so that if dug up, it will be extremely difficult to unwrap, & injuring someone. I also write NO!! on the bottle before & after taping it. HTH!!! Blessings!!!

      1. You could also drop the bottle off at pharmacy, saves on tape.

        1. Dianna Diedrich says:

          What pharmacy will take them?

  12. Anonymous says:

    The one with the .22 ammo is dangerous, you dont store something like that with the tips of the projectile against the primer of another especially a rimfire, you drop it and can go off and if the bottom one will fire into the primer above etc, not smart.

    1. That is not true, you can take .22’s and throw them as hard as you want against anything and they will not fire. If you dropped a box of 100 into a fire, they would not shoot, the reason being the lead would melt long before the casing would heat up enough to ignite the gunpowder.
      Plus your “theory” doesn’t hold water as Reminton sells a small bucket that’s called “Bucket O’Bullets” with 1,400 loose shells.

      1. Unfortunately, they do go off in a fire, have had some accidentally get into trash barrels.

        1. Trash burn is different then an accidental drop.

      2. Leslie Miller says:

        I have had a .22 round go off when dropped before. I was at an outdoor range that was local to me and had been upgzraded with small rocks for the ground cover. I dropped a round from about 4 feet and it fired. I was not hurt and was the only person at the site, so no problems. I have been very careful since with any ammo, even though I think it was a freak accident, and probably can’t be reproduced at will, yet I am prone to be of the addage, better safe than sorry.

      3. Anonymous says:

        Not true, I witnessed a box of 1000 rounds tossed into a campfire and they went off like the 4th of July.

    2. Thank you! Excellent advice. I wondered about safety.

  13. Coretha Russell says:

    We have the bigger pill bottle in our auto glove compartment to put the extra salt and pepper in . They always give to much at the drive thru or none at all.

    1. Thanks for a reminder I can “bounce off of.” I have the same issue with ketchup packets. This will definitely help, because it is very annoying to clean up ketchup after it, say, got stepped on in the back seat area, and not, um, promptly reported. Guess how I know this.

  14. regarding the survival kits, I use lint from the drier inside a toilet paper roll rather than cotton to start the fires while camping. little too big for pill bottles, so I use a plasreneetic container or ziploc baggies.

    1. I “soak” (coat, really) cotton balls in Vaseline and put them in the pill bottle for fire starters. The Vaseline will burn long enough to get your fuel ignited. I can see a good combo here with the long in TP tubes, as well!

      1. What I do is soak up the left over wax/oils out of my Scentsy warmer dish with cotton balls & then put the cotton balls inside the toilet paper roll (I have added lint keepings as well) tuck the ends in so it doesn’t fall out & there u have a fire starter 🙂

        1. Burning plastic is toxic not a good thing.

          1. You take it out of the plastic jar first. Duh

      2. Cathie Patterson says:

        Cool! Beats the heck out of cutting, then coiling corrugated cardboard into a tuna fish, or Cat food can and pouring wax over it. Or balling up newspapers and putting them in pressboard egg cartons and again pouring wax over. I’m trying Vaseline out next season.

    2. I’ve used them for qtips, toothpicks, and straight pins. My latest use is in my toolbox… my 1/4” ratchet sockets used to be scattered all over the toolbox tray; now I have one large pill bottle with standard size sockets, and one for metric.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I use one to put a roll of postage stamps in and then have it in my purse. I always have stamps available and I don’t have to worry about them coming off the backing and sticking to everything in my purse.
    Our homeless shelter also uses them for medicine for the people that require it there.

  16. I always carry a large empty or two for my used insulin pen caps, lancets, and test strips. It’s safer for everyone. When I get home, I transfer from bottle to sharps container and put the bottle back in my travel stuff.

    We also donate extras to our local animal shelter.

    1. Beth Fisher says:

      So glad that I came across this blog and your comment. I have been struggling to find something to put my lancets and old allergy medicine vials in until I can get to the doctor to have them throw them in the sharps bin. But why put test strips in it? And also, how does the local animal shelter use them? I may have to donate some of mine to our local animal shelter.

      1. Wouldn’t the test strips have blood on them? That might possibly be the reason for storing used strips until one can dispose of them properly.

      2. They use them for pet meds.

  17. Tina Murn says:

    We use our old pill bottles for toothpick holders, extra allergy tablets (still in each package), Tums, Aleve, etc. placed in each vehicle’s glove compartment that way we don’t have to move back/forth to the vehicle being used. I have also put baby diaper rash medicine, mentholatum or salves, then label with sharpie pen. In my sewing I use for holding my extra machine bobbins, carry thread & needle if taking along for mending or hand quilting. Also misc. parts such as flat washers, sorted small screws or nails for tool boxes. Our local drugstore is currently collecting them for a local organization that is collecting as part of a project.

    1. judith rich says:

      what’s the easiest way to remove the label from a prescription bottle?


        1. Grace Buttaro says:

          I soak it for awhile, then i use Skin so soft, from Avon

        2. Gently, slowly peel the label off. If it leaves some residue, use the same label to get it off. Pat the spot, or spots quickly with the adhesive side of the label. The adhesive that is on the bottle will stick to the adhesive that is on the label. Continue patting until all adhesive is removed from the bottle.

          1. Susan Marling says:

            That’s exactly what I do.

          2. Dawn Dish Soap will remove sticker from bottles. You may have to let it soak for a sec or two

      2. Robin Stefurak says:

        I use hot soapy water and let soak then wipe off. For the sticky film left behind I use googone

        1. Jody Lien says:

          I have found that WD40 takes the adhesive off very well & fast! Spray a tiny bit on and just rub it off with your finger or paper towel.

      3. Soak in water, scrape, then use goo gone to remove the sticky.

        1. WD-40 sprayed on those labels rub it alittle let sit a few minutes. Then it’ll come right off! Easy Peasy!

      4. I use my hairdryer to remove sticky labels from almost anything, even other labels, like markdowns.
        Warm setting, start on one corner and keep pulling as you heat the label. No residue.

      5. Use equal parts coconut oil and baking soda. Peel off label or as much as you can. Rub mixture on remaining label and gooey sticky stuff. Let set for several minutes. Then wipe off with paper towel. Works for jars and bottles too.
        Learned this method from a post on Pinterest.

        1. Diane Shade says:

          I also use this combination for removing adhesives on glass, plastic, vinyl, floor adhesive etc. Depending on what has to be removed, determines what ratio I use to remove the stickiness. It does not harm finishes, and is safe for my grandkids to use on arts and crafts. Takes very little pressure to remove the stickiness, and washes off easily with soap and water.

      6. Use your hair dryer to”warm” the label, just start at one corner or side and start to gently pull on the label as you warm it, never any residue from the adhesive.

        1. J. Corbett says:

          Hand sanitizer gel will remove the label and the stickiness.

      7. Juana Parral says:

        Pull as much as you can off, then run under some water. Lastly, run a film of mayonnaise over the remaining label or adhesive, set aside and it should be ready to just peel off in a couple of hours.

      8. Beth Fisher says:

        I know I am a day late and a dollar short, but honestly, I put all my pill bottles into a sink full of hot water, let them sit over night, and the next morning the labels are usually already off the bottles.

      9. If it’s going to take a long time, give in, save time and put a replacement label over the top or washi tape on the smaller containers.

  18. Julie Thomas says:

    Number one use as important as keeping meds out of small kids hands…….
    Use to lock up lighters, matches! And maybe those tide pods from the little kids.
    I’ve got 0 ideas with pods and the teenagers!

  19. I use them to make toys for my cat. After I clean and dry them out, I put a bell or two in a bottle and my cat loves it. I also have put coins in them as well. I’ve also put catnip in them and poked holes in the lid and my cat goes crazy.

    1. I put cotton balls in them for med.cabinet or purse with astringent in one.I put my pills for the day in them.I hate fishing hooks put them in fishing gear so no getting stuck.you can also put mouth wash in a over night bag or purse. I put cat or dog treats for rewards.

  20. walterrean says:

    Enjoyed the site very much.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Thanks for the ideas!

      1. I keep wanting to figure out how to chip these, melt down the chips and mold them into bricks and planks. DIY FURNITURE!

  21. Karen Kimbrough says:

    To add to “ideas for upcyle pill bottles” for smokers, or for friends of smokers to give to the smokers: to use to put their cigarette butts in, instead of throwing the butts on the ground to throw in the garbage later. Cigarette butts are the #1 littered item in the WORLD.

    1. Cynthia Russell says:

      I love this ides and I agree 100%

      1. I am a smoker. I keep a medicine bottle in my vehicle and instead of throwing the butt out of the window and littering, I put it in there and close it. It puts it out and I am not littering. I empty it when I get home.

  22. Our local animal rescue shelter accepts them for their animals. I take a sack of empty, clean, and devoid of labels every month so so.

    1. How do you remove the labels ?

      1. Christina says:

        Fill with hot water and they come right off.

      2. Start peeling the label off the vial in the bottom right hand corner. Less pressure is used the when putting the label on the bottle. If you’re having trouble getting it completely off use a lighter to re-warm the label and it should peel right off.

  23. I use them to store my beads that I use in jewerly making as well as small jewerly findings. Keeps my craft space nice and neat.

  24. I’d avoid repurposing them for traveling, especially with liquids since they will leak. If you put a solvent in one, it’ll evaporate quickly for the same reason.

  25. Using them to combine pills for daily use sounds like a good idea. However, I have been told , if you are stopped by police and searched, you could be cited because each type of pills were not in their original containers

    1. Jessica Lane says:

      Very true! I’ve been in that situation with my son’s medications. You have to be very careful with controlled medications especially.

      1. The trick is to be able to remove the original label and then place it on the bottle you want to use. Some labels peel off easily if you are careful, others do not. Even if you have something over-the-counter, like vitamins or allergy meds, schools (and airports and court houses) require an original label. How do you get that original label off to use on a smaller bottle? Goo Gone® adhesive remover is excellent for this purpose when you have a seemingly impossible to remove label. If I can place an original label on a smaller bottle, I do. So far, its worked ever time, although a few times someone has noticed that its not an original bottle, but they seem to be OK with it once they open the bottle and see that what’s inside matches the label. Most screeners don’t even bother. (I usually also secure the new label on the recycled smaller bottle with transparent shipping tape.)

        1. Jessica Knowles says:

          Great tip! Thanks R.

          1. Lani Thompson says:

            Carry the tag/receipt from when you get from pharmacy. They will even give you a spare label if you ask. This has been wonderful as we only carry a day pack on trips.

          2. GailSummers says:

            I use the bottles to put my hearing aids in with like one Kleenex.then the won’t get damaged. If my batteries die and I have no extra.

            I also put a small knife in the extra tall bottles. Then I can put in my lunch sack.

            I have no e-mail.

    2. Michelle Doll says:

      Actually, it depends where you live. In Florida, we have some *very* liberal laws regarding non-labeled meds. As long as you have a label on hand, like in your wallet or purse, you can use it to prove any Schedule II medicine is yours. Ask the pharmacy to print you a copy when you pick up the pills. Explain you need it flat, just for back-up, so they don’t stick it to another bottle. You will need a fresh label every time you get a new rx, usually monthly. Schedule II medicines are ADHD meds, strong painkillers, things like that. Your pharmacist can tell you what classification any pill you get belongs in. As a side note, be extremely cautious when dispensing anything from this category, especially if giving to a minor or elder. They are potent, often dangerous drugs, and should be used with respect for their power. OTOH, sometime it’s all that will work. There you have it. When in doubt, as your pharmacist about rules & regulations to do with your specific medication. I adore all these wonderful ideas for upcycling this extra plastic in my home!